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Friday 23 May 2014

How to build our own library using java

1. Create a "Java Project" named as "OurOwnLibrary", and create a "Class" named "OurOwnLibrary" add three method named "diplayStaticMethod", "diplayNonStaticMethod", "diplayMethodWithArgument" under "OurOwnLibrary" class.

Here is the project Structure:

package ourownlibrary;

 * @author Aravind Sankaran Nair
public class OurOwnLibrary {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static String diplayStaticMethod() {
        // TODO code application logic here
        return "You are using OurOwnLibrary Class and its diplayStaticMethod()";
     public String diplayNonStaticMethod() {
        // TODO code application logic here
        return "You are using OurOwnLibrary Class and its diplayNonStaticMethod()";
     public String diplayMethodWithArgument(String myArgument) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        return "You are using OurOwnLibrary Class and its diplayNonStaticMethod(). Argument is "+myArgument;

Right click "OurOwnLibrary" project and select clean and build.
A jar file is created in dist  folder in which the project is located.

2. Create a "Java Project" named as "OurOwnLibraryImplimentaion", and create a "Class" named "OurOwnLibraryImplimentaion".

 Here is the project Structure:

package ourownlibraryimplimentaion;
import ourownlibrary.OurOwnLibrary;

 * @author Aravind Sankaran Nair
public class OurOwnLibraryImplimentaion {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        OurOwnLibrary ourOwnLibrary=new OurOwnLibrary();

 Right click "OurOwnLibraryImplimentaion " project and select properties.
A new window popups
Select libraries
Click Add JAR/Folder
A new window popups and ask you to add external jar file.
Specify the jar file location (ie, jar file inside dist folder of OurOwnLibrary project)
After selection the jar file, clik open
Now the jar file is listed in the librarylist
Click ok.

You are using OurOwnLibrary Class and its diplayStaticMethod()
You are using OurOwnLibrary Class and its diplayNonStaticMethod()
You are using OurOwnLibrary Class and its diplayNonStaticMethod(). Argument is aravind

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